This is Dora
You might have seen it on my insta-story (but if you haven't I saved it in highlights), but we officially said bye to our home of 2 years and actually the first Airstream we ever traveled in (back when we first did an Airstream trip, we rented this one for our 3 weeks adventure to Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and Oregon). At that time we named it Dora (after the Explorer, lol). But since we acquired the biz over 2 years ago, my husband won't let me name the other Airstreams (he doesn't want me to get attached to the inventory). And as much as I would love to keep this Airstream for sentimental reasons, we really need to move into a larger space for our own sanity. So she is officially for sale here. We're using the sale money to then purchase our Rockwood trailer (mentioned in my last Weekend Update).
In the meantime I've continued to try to clean out my closets and storage bins and have listed a bunch of linen items from Grana here. I find that I don't wear them as often so I'm letting them go. And as much as I like the look of linen, it doesn't really work with my day to day style. And TBH if I'm going to wear linen at all, I reach for my Elizabeth Suzann linen items more often than my Grana ones.
Also I think it's time to refocus my intention on not watching as much Netflix again because this habit is starting to creep back into my life. But I did watch two really good things this week: Requiem and Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise (both on Netflix). The first is a 6 episode creepy suspenseful series based in Wales and the second is a superb documentary on a multi-talented amazing woman. Loved both!
And last but not least, is anyone else participating in the Spring 10x10? I had planned on doing it since it coincides with my moving (so I'll have a limited wardrobe anyway). But when I heard Elizabeth Suzann's getting in on the game and doing giveaways, I got even more excited. This will be my 4th 10x10 challenge and though it does get a bit repetitive, it's always fun to do it with the insta community. You can catch all my looks here.