Sunrise from my bedroom window in Honolulu (thanks to jet lag)
Happy New Year y'all! In Japanese culture (p.s. if you're wondering I'm half Japanese and half Chinese though I am much more attuned to my Japanese side), New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are two of the most important days out of the year. There's traditions to close out the year (like eating soba noodles at midnight for long life) and rituals to ensure the coming year is a good one (eating a special soup for good luck and going to the temple to pray for a good year). As for me, I've always welcomed the officialness of the new year with resolutions. In the past I've been quite hit or miss with keeping resolutions. Some years I vow to go the gym and eat healthier and like many people I don't even make it past January before I quit. Other years I've been able to follow through the whole year. But to be honest sometimes those resolutions start feeling like a ball and chain rather than a healthy commitment, which is probably why I haven't made any resolutions for the last several years.
But for 2017 I'm starting to get that itch again to make a couple resolutions and to stick with them. And now with you guys as my witness I feel an extra motivation to keep them for the year. And so here's my resolution as it pertains to my closet and consumption in general:
For 2017, I will not spend any money to purchase any new clothing.
So what does that mean specifically? Well I'll continue to do Everlane and Grana reviews thanks to the referral credit from the support of you guys (I also have some left over M.Gemi and Cuyana credit from returns). And I still have several items left over from 2016 that I never had a chance to review yet. So the reviews will still keep going but most likely at a much slower pace (I mean reviewing a new item of clothing 3 times a week isn't really sustainable is it?). I'll probably focus a bit more on finding my style through 8x8 challenges (it's like the 10x10 except I decided to exclude shoes from the equation and make 2 less looks). I'll also review things that I already have and love (anyone interested in reviews on new vs. vintage Chanel bags?) and reviews on things other than clothes (like Pottery Barn towels that are seriously the best I've ever tried). I'll also talk a lot more about my Airstream life and living in a tiny space.
But basically I will not buy clothes or shoes in 2017. I will however let myself trade clothing at my favorite Crossroads if I feel like my wardrobe needs a refresh. In the meantime I'll also be downsizing my closet (or rather the 5 large plastic bins I currently keep all my non-daily clothes in which is stored at the Airstream garage). Oh and I won't be buying any new bags, jewelry or other accessories. It's a complete ban on buying things for the closet. I definitely have more than enough so it's about time I took a look at or at least use everything I have before I acquire any more. What do you think? Am I biting off more than I can chew?