Finally worked out how to post photos by bypassing the computer all together. These are all coming straight from my phone, but I have to say the quality isn't half bad. So a couple of months ago my mom visited me from Hawaii and one of her requests were to see the nurseries in Half Moon Bay. We went on one of the few days this year that it rained in Norcal. But the plants were still gorgeous. I like looking at flowers, but too bad I have a black thumb. The couple of plants we picked up from this place are long dead. It's true: just take a picture, it'll last longer.
Hi Ma!
In other news, I started using Twitter again (though I can't really say I used Twitter 6 years ago when I first signed up, so really the statement should be I started using Twitter). I figure I already go on about mundane non-useful matters here in this blog, so why not do it more frequently in 140 characters?
But if you're interested my Twitter handle is @ElaineNitta