November 2022 Recap
What I Did
We went to Glowfari at the Oakland Zoo for the first time and it was quite magical! If you’re in the Bay Area, I would definitely recommend trying to catch it before it leaves. As for us, I think we found a new holiday tradition.
Updated the following posts: Mate the Label Review, Augustinus Bader Rich Cream review (I added the sign up for the Augustinus Bader Club back in: you get 15% off our first purchase with a link which I’ll email to you when you fill out my AB Google form here), the Quince silk skirt review, Birkenstock Boston Mules Review
We also went on an Airstream trip to Pinnacles National Park, Pismo Beach, and Solvang over Thanksgiving. Pismo and Solvang were new to us and we had a blast exploring it together. My favorite place of the trip was definitely Pismo Beach (pictured at top)—it’s a small beach town that has Southern California vibes and very temperate weather even though it’s only about 4 hours south of us. There’s also a Monarch Butterfly Grove in Pismo (right next to the campground we stayed at) where the butterflies gather every November to February and it’s so beautiful. Some branches have so many butterflies they look more like orange and black leaves on the trees and not butterfly wings. And of course Emi loved the beach, even though the water was toe-numbingly cold (we only dipped our feet in). Solvang, which was built to look like a quaint Danish town, is a perfect place to visit near the holidays (there’s just something about European towns and Christmas that are a match made in heaven). But warning—it’s very touristy (it kind of felt like the Waikiki of the area). Overall another great Airstream trip in the books!
What I Bought
(As a side note, I feel like I’ve been managing my spending relatively well this year, but have dropped the ball this month. I think the tide of Christmas consumerism has hit and it has hit hard, eek!)
Small Lot Co. Oxfords and Mary Janes in black: I love their Mary-Janes (I wear them constantly—and I just bought another black pair 🤦🏻‍♀️) so I thought I would try their oxfords, which are a new style they just released. Small Lot Co shoes are seriously the only shoes I’ve been wearing lately so it’s a worthy purchase IMO. Of course will let you know how they are in a future review!
Belfiore Face Wash, Night Cream, Day Cream, and Super Serum from Planet Renu: This is a skincare line that is made locally (in Pleasant Hill) and is refillable at the shop I work at. The founder is a retired UCSF molecular scientist who has a passion for skincare. Seriously you can’t get any “cleaner” than her items—all her herbs are grown herself on her own farm in Brentwood (also local) and she distills all the hydrosols herself. Everything smells like the freshest of lavender. Anyway I’m a huge fan.
CBD Herbal Cream from Planet Renu: This cream is also made locally by a woman who owns a CBD store and has a real passion for the stuff. Seriously, this is a miracle cream. I used it on a cooking burn (one of many during Thanksgiving) and it just made the pain go away. The cream is also meant to prevent inflammation and she recommends putting it on before and after exercise. I have a bum knee thanks to running and a ski accident so I put this on almost every night and it seriously has made the mobility in my knee so much better.
Nuori Sunscreen: I recently ran out so I repurchased this sunscreen that I love. Unfortunately their prices have gone way up (I want to say about $20 more), so it’s no longer a great value. But I’m absolutely addicted and cannot imagine using anything else. Let’s just hope the price doesn’t go up anymore!
Silicone Mini Spatula for skincare: Along with all the new skin care products and creams I bought this month, I finally purchased a mini spatula to be able to get every last drop of product. Since it’s made of silicone it’s super durable and won’t eventually degrade into microplastics. I’ve been loving the spatulas (I also use one for the jams below) and I feel like I’ve really gotten my money’s worth.
Bonne Maman Jam Advent Calendar: I bought this early, back when Amazon was still selling it for $39 (I definitely wouldn’t buy it for the current price of $68). I saw it last year but missed the boat on it, so I decided to get it early this year and we’ve been enjoying the jams (I open a new door whenever we finish a jam so we’re not opening it according to “schedule”). And I’ve been reusing the jam jars for refills of the above Belfiore skin care products from Planet Renu so it’s a win-win. My favorite flavors so far have been a grapefruit-yuzu marmalade and a pear jasmine. This is only my third advent calendar but I love that I don’t end up binging on it like I do with candy ones 🤦🏻‍♀️.
PACT organic cotton leggings for kids: Even though I no longer have any PACT credit from referrals, I love their kids clothing so much that I’m continuing to buy Emi’s clothes from there. Most recently I’ve had to buy the next size up for her leggings (size 6/7! for a 3yo! 🤦🏻‍♀️). I love how soft and comfortable they are (though they’re probably best suited for milk winters since they’re not thick).
Birkenstock Boston Mules in suede and shearling: When I saw they had one last one in my size at Zappos I couldn’t resist. Fortunately/Unfortunately, they are a narrow fit and thus too narrow for me. So I returned it and saved myself $170+tax.
Some Black Friday Shopping: Japanese enamel cookware from Rosebud Home Goods in Eureka (I love my first couple enamel items from them and so I ordered a couple more), a reorder of Merit Clean Lash mascara (love it so much) and trying their Shade Slick Lip Oil (I love their Signature Lipstick so trying something else in their lip lineup), Kind Laundry detergent sheets, Tru Earth Laundry detergent sheets, and Earth Breeze Laundry detergent sheets (sense a comparison review coming up? lol), Maya Chia Powerl Fol hair treatment (after it was recommended by a reader here), and a Beauty Blender from Sephora (I buy one once a year around this time). And that was just for me 🤦🏻‍♀️. I also got some Christmas presents and new Hanna Andersson pajamas (our favorite) in the next size up for Emi. And other holiday presents.
What I Was Gifted
Hahaland Blocks and Handwriting Book: The folks at Hahaland gifted me a couple more items for Emi. She loves these items and of course review to come soon!