Fairly Curated: Why I Renamed My Blog
Milking that sunflower content yet again
Hi guys and welcome to my new blog name! If you’ve been following me for a bit, you know I’ve hinted at this name change for quite awhile now (I think it’s been over 2 years— I remember talking about it before Emi’s birth). Anyway I hope you were able to find me alright here and I haven’t lost too many of you guys in the name change (I’m not sure if you have to re-subscribe if you follow via email or RSS feed. Please let me know if you run into any issues!). It’s still just me writing the blog and the content will remain largely the same (reviews, reviews, and some personal posts). But I felt like after six years as the Temporary Housewifey it was time to move on/graduate to something more focused on what I am doing or at least wanting to be doing. Which, as you can tell by the name, is to be fairly curated (but also meaning to curate things that were made fairly, with people and the environment in mind).
The blog name Temporary Housewifey in all honesty was meant to be, well temporary lol. Six years ago I was new to blogging (but had been reading blogs for 4-5 years) and newly unemployed. This blog was meant to be a test as to whether people would want to come and read what I had to say. And thank you to all of you guys who’ve followed along through the years. I have felt your support here many times and am so grateful. When I started the Airstream business (GoSilver) with my husband, it felt fitting to continue blogging under the name Temporary-House Wifey since we were living in trailers at the time (and quite frequently moved from one trailer to another). But after awhile the name became a somewhat burdening self-fulling prophecy. Since starting the blog we’ve moved 4 times in 6 years, not including the moving done between trailers (that must have been at least 6-8 times) and not including the current temporary move to Hawaii. Whew, I am done with temporary housing. But I’m not about to become a permanent housewifey either lol.
Which brings me to the name Fairly Curated. The goal is to be a blog with fairly curated reviews (ie somewhat curated) but also of reviews of items that are made fairly. I say goal here because I am of course a fallible human being and even though I will try to keep within these parameters there will be impulse purchases in the future (I’m sure) and some items might have not been made fairly according to the standards I hope for. Also “fair” is a subjective term but I will try to keep my purchases to items that were made ethically. But in those cases I slip up I hope you don’t view this blog too harshly and just know the name is something I’m aiming for (and I hope becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy like the last blog name). Also in those cases where I make mistakes please call me out (or “call in”) and hold me accountable. You guys help me become a better blogger (and person) all the time. And I hope this blog (and I) are more like your helpful friend or sidekick that is on a fairer path with you.