Weekend Update/Ramblings
Visited Le Labo in Nordstrom this past week to restock on my lotions (which I talked about last weekend)
I've had this blog for almost 4 years now and I know it's time to do an update on the website design. So I've started the process, but man it takes a lot of work. I love writing blog posts but all this technical stuff is a hassle (though I know I can do it). So please bear with this website design until I can get my act together to just sit down and do it.
Did you hear that Levi's is trying to get rid of all hazardous chemicals in jeans production by 2020? I just love how both Everlane and Levi's (both headquartered in SF) are leading the way in sustainable denim! Now Levi's is going to use lasers for distressing. Read all about it here.
Do you hate networking? I hate networking in true introvert fashion. I hope to never have to do it again, but if I do these tips are great to keep in mind.
And a mini product review for you today: I purchased these clips to help "train" my bangs (my hair salon person advised me to switch the part of my bangs because it was starting to thin out at the part. By switching the part, I now have more volume but my bangs don't want to stay that way). These clips are the best way to hold back hair without creating a dent/wave to your hair. I hate buying more plastic but it's totally worth it when the thing works like a charm! (If I knew anything about producing items I would love to make these clips with bamboo instead of plastic).
Anyway there's an exciting week coming up! Finally finished the Jamie and the Jones heavyweight T sweater review so that'll be posted this week (Wednesday) and I wrote about the best and worst items that I received for free from brands to review (yep, ready to burn some bridges here lol). Also my birthday's on Tuesday and I'll be hitting the big 3-5 :D
P.S. After I wrote this nice cheery post I went to the gym to swim, and someone cut the lock on my locker and stole my beautiful Celine wallet with all my credit/debit cards, phone, keys, and my favorite sunglasses. :( It's so sad, but oh well it's just things. But it's hard not to get things like this get you down...