Pregnancy essentials for the first 6 months
I’ve always disliked that marketers bombard moms-to-be and new moms with all the things they need to buy for this new phase in their life, whether it be maternity clothes to pregnancy pillows. But as your body and lifestyle changes, yes sometimes you need new things to accommodate that. So here are the four things that I found most useful for my first 6 months of pregnancy:
A Weekly Pill Case
Ok, so this might not seem like a usual thing to recommend to pregnant women, but prenatal vitamins are really essential during pregnancy (and even before). But the first trimester and nausea/morning sickness is no joke and couple that with pregnancy brain (also a real thing, not a myth) and suddenly remembering to take a vitamin everyday is no easy task (at least for me). So a 7 day pill case was just what I needed to answer my daily question of “Did I take my prenatal vitamin today?” I plan to keep this until I’m a senior citizen because you know I’ll be needing it then too (let’s take care and treasure our plastic folks!).
Belly Butter
Preventing stretch marks with a cream alone is largely a myth (the best prevention is gaining weight slowly or minimally) but moisturizing tight belly skin can help how bad it looks. But more importantly, your skin can get ridiculously itchy when pregnant and moisturizing is key. I mentioned it in a previous post, but this mostly natural belly butter has been essential for my sensitive itchy skin. One 8 oz bottle has lasted me for the first 6 months and I might need just one more bottle for the rest of the pregnancy. And at less than $10 each, it’s waaaay cheaper than the Tata Harper lotion I tried (which gave me a rash). I only wish this came in bulk or a less waste option.
A Wedge Pillow
So I tried one of those large full-body pregnancy pillow and I hated it. And sadly it was quite expensive (what a waste of money, ugh). So when I asked a fellow pregnant friend what she uses, she recommended a wedge pillow. And oh man, I love the wedge! It’s perfect for supporting my belly but also I sometimes use it for my back. I also love using it wedge side down to support my lumbar when sitting up in bed. I plan to use this versatile pillow post pregnancy and beyond. Also I found this wedge pillow easy to take to the hospital when I went for my ER scare. It came in super handy for lumbar support and sleeping but also fit easily into an overnighter bag.
My Slip Silk Pillowcase
So I know this isn’t a normal essential for pregnant women but with a growing belly you are forced to sleep on your side. And I’m just so grateful to have purchased this pillowcase before the pregnancy and I now love it more than ever. I can sleep comfortable on my side knowing that I’m not increasing my chance for wrinkles nor will I wake up with a crease on my cheek. You can read my initial review here (and if you’re tempted to get a cheaper dupe on Amazon, you can read my comparison review of a dupe here).
So those three additions (plus one I already had) has made the most difference so far in my pregnancy. For those mamas and mamas-to-be out there, what were some of your essentials? I already have the heavy duty maternity belt ready to support my ever growing belly and relieve my back (but didn’t include it here since I just got it).