Life Currently...
So for those who follow my Insta story, you might have seen that I was in a skiing accident last week and had to be ski patrolled down the mountain (which is not as fun as you would think--probably because I was in pain the whole time and those sleds have ZERO cushioning), and spent some time at the ski resort clinic. It looks like it might be a small tear in one of my knee ligaments, which takes anywhere from 2-6 weeks to heal. So I've been hobbling on crutches and basically been on my ass all week (bad for my waistline but good for Netflix bingeing).
This has made me realize several things. First, health is EVERYTHING. I've never had any major injuries in my life (due to my severely cautious behavior) and so this is my first time even using crutches. Not being mobile has made me realize all the things I take for granted when I'm healthy. And I'm pretty sure if I was in better physical shape, I wouldn't have had this ski accident (my quad just wasn't strong enough to right my leg). I've pretty much neglected my health for over a year, so this is the wake up call I need to get back to it. At the very least I should be doing yoga (vinyassa is my fav) since it's good for both my mind and body (and being scantily clad in a hot yoga room at least once a week lets me see/feel the accumulated fat rolls and reminds me that I need to get in shape).
Second, I've realized I'm getting to a certain age where certain activities are not really worth it. I don't really enjoy snow sports but have always gone along since my friends go. Well no more. I think it's time to end my skiing career, especially since I can't really afford injuries like these (knee injuries suck!). Also on the list would be activities such as bungee jumping or sky diving. If I know these activities don't thrill me, I don't need to do 'em.
Anyways I'll probably be documenting more of my health and wellness journey since I'm simultaneously trying to shift some of my focus away from just clothes. Speaking of which, Grechen's story about her journey to health is a total inspiration. If she can be in the best shape of her life in her 40s, then it's never too late to start. I guess it's just about finding the workout routine that works for you.
Also I found this Netlfix documentary, Food Choices to be a really persuasive argument for eating a plant-based diet. Ok before you glaze over this part, hear me out lol. I'm definitely not a vegetarian. I love meat. I love meat more than I love certain animals (like cows, pigs and chickens). I mean I do feel bad for these animals but I can't say no to steak or bacon or fried chicken for the rest of my life. BUT how much protein do we really need? A lot less than you think and a lot of that can still be obtained from plants. Plant-based diets are not only good for you but good for the environment. So though I can't be 100% vegan, I've decided to at least 1) eat as much real food as possible (aka cut out the processed crap and eat mostly Whole30) and 2) start with one vegan day a week. Anyways watch it!
Other Netflix shows I've watched: Ascension (loved it!), The OA (eh-it was OK), Frontier (I always love me an action-packed period drama), and Terrace House Aloha State (my friend Eric is on it! It's MTV Real World Japanese -style based in Honolulu; it's quite tame and probably not for everyone). Oh and I just finished watching Victoria on PBS (I pay $5 a month to PBS for access to all their shows through their app and it's so worth it! Binge watching Masterpiece Theater is the best!).